Kid Rock
  • Photo Courtesy of ATLANTIC RECORDS

When Kid Rock became a breakout artist with his unabashed 1998 major label debut Devil Without a Cause, he was a groundbreaking rapper/rocker from Detroit, Michigan who went on to sell 13 million records with his wild, middle-finger raisin’ brand of mayhem.

Eventually he found a comfortable role as a self-described redneck with a fondness for country in his rock music. With 27 million records sold, he may not be the trailblazer he once was, but Middle America seems to love his brand of Bob Seger-influenced rebel rock. Never one to take himself too serious, Rock describes his latest release, Rebel Soul, as “pretty freakin’ good.”

The “American Bad Ass” dedicated the record’s lead single, “Let’s Ride” to the United States military. And if there’s one thing that Kid Rock knows how to do is pen an anthem and he definitely hasn’t lost his touch yet. Lookout for Kid Rock on tour because that’s where he really stands out, crafting an over-the-top, balls out rock extravaganza that’s a wicked good time offering a hefty bang for your buck.

Kid Rock’s Rebel Soul is on sale now.