Night Sky releases May 20 (Starring Sissy Spacek)

  • By Alex Brown
  • Photo Courtesy of Prime Video

Not since Sissy Spacek moved objects with her mind as title-role-character Carrie has she starred in as thrilling of a story as upcoming Amazon Prime series, Night Sky. But here we are. 

For years Irene and Franklin York (Spacek and J.K. Simmons, respectively) have been hiding a secret in their backyard shed—a portal to another planet. Besides the stunning views of an alien landscape, the promise offered by such a remarkable discovery is something the couple is finally considering sharing with the world. Until a mysterious stranger shows up, assumedly from the other side, and threatens to upend more than just their plans. As the story pushes on it seems there are twists at every turn. From grandchildren concerned for the York’s well-being, to the nosy neighbor, to a pair of equally mysterious agents chasing the unknown traveler, a happy, safe and stable resolution to this story is nowhere near is far from assured. 

Also noteworthy is a cast of fresh faces. With Chai Hansen (The New Legends of Monkey) as Jude, the alluring mystery man; Adam Bartley (Longmire) as Byron, the curious neighbor; and Julieta Zylberberg (Loco x Vos) as Stella, whose role in the riddle is not quite known, the ability talent of the ensemble is just as impressive as the tale they weave.

“Night Sky” starts streaming on May 20, only on Amazon Prime.