- By J. COOK
Pink Martini is 30 years old, and they are celebrating at the Hollywood Bowl for two nights—August 23rd and 24th. Now that is a party I don’t want to miss. If somehow you don’t know who they are, I’m sorry to hear that. So let’s rectify that—they were formed back in 1994 in Portland, Oregon by Thomas Lauderdale because he found music at political rallies boring. There is only so many times Bruce Springsteen’s anthem can be misused (actually, it appears there is not). So he, Thomas, put together a dozen musicians, headed by lead singer China Forbes, and together crafted a sound that crosses between Latin, Pop, Jazz, Classical and Rock. They are a vibrant world sound unified in one group. They have something for everyone because they do everything. If you haven’t read, check out their first album Sympathique, or Hang In There Little Tomato…you’re welcome. Then pick up your tickets fast because they are known to sell out (hence the two nights).
Over those two nights they are going to be joined by The Andrew Bird Trio. They specialize in mid-century, small group jazz… which seems counter to what the Bowl does well, but in fact it is the opposite. He has tackled unique collaborations before, like the at Guggenheim with a show called Sonic Arboretum, so just think of what is in store for out little theater just off the 101. It is this writer’s opinion that the massive space carries intimate music so well precisely because of the contrast, and should make for a fun counterpoint to the Portland invasion.
For more, click here.