Greenland releases August 14 (Starring Morena Baccarin and Gerard Butler)

  • Photo Courtesy of STX FIILMS

Doomsday is upon us, and with his latest disaster flick, director Ric Roman Waugh (Angel Has Fallen) has taken our impending apocalypse to cataclysmic heights — and blockbuster records.

The one to save us from such imminent extinction is our favorite action star Gerard Butler (Angel Has Fallen), who dons the brave shoulders of John Garrity, a loving husband to his wife Allison and a doting father to his son Nathan. According to the news, smaller fragments from a passing comet called Clarke are set to enter the earth’s atmosphere and burn away like shooting stars. People gather to watch the glorious display, but upon first impact, those news reports are proven dead wrong. Shockwaves annihilate central Florida and scorch the skies with larger comet fragments being dubbed as planet killers. Navigating their way through panic, chaos, and the ugliest sides of humanity, John and his family must fight to gain passage on a military plane destined for secret bunkers in Greenland, the last chance of survival for all of humankind.

With an outstanding cast that also stars Morena Baccarin (Gotham), Roger Dale Floyd (Doctor Sleep), Scott Glenn (Castle Rock), David Denman (Brightburn), Gary Weeks (Outer Banks), Andrew Bachelor (The Walking Dead), Claire Bronson (The Outsider), and Mike Gassaway (God Made Man), Greenland is set to be this summer’s smash hit.

Greenland” premieres August 14th.